Wednesday 14 January 2009

A Good start to the Year and training

I hope everyone else had a good time over Christmas and the New Year. I have managed a couple of trips out in Jan already, mainly to The Peak again but also to an old favourite of mine Trowbarrow!

The first day out in 09 was a resounding success with me, Dave and Matty D descending on the Shelter Stone to pay homage to the G.

Dave made some good ground and opened up some new beta for himself on Texas Hold em whilst Matt had a play on Vitruvian. I couldn't resist trying to pull on to the Pit Problem after failing to leave the ground well over a year ago. This time it was in the bag in about 10 minutes and I simpy had to try the sit moves.

I had tried it well over a year ago with Dave on a rainy day, dynoing from low down to the high RH edge in a wild fashion with an extremely low percentage catch (Big O McShane had somehow linked this move on his successful ascent a long time ago which was basically climbing 7C the 7C+/8A way). After giving this a couple of goes I tried to actually 'climb' it and after discovering a micro LF bump under the roof, I could hit the edge and make the heel-toe stay in.

It took a few failed slaps to the edge and a short coffee & banana break to unleash on the stone and it went down next try. Moved on to Vitruvian but kept greasing violently off the LH pinch when holding the RH sidepull catch. I think the rest looks steady, and have made a mockup of the moves on the new board in order to try and recruit the movement style (the plan is obviously to go back and dispatch when conditions are deemed grippy).

We moved on to Woodwell and a reaquaintance with old friends in the shape of Screaming Slave RH and LH. The Righthand went down ok with all the rules obeyed and it was good. Left hand wasn't happening with a dismaying amount of dampness/grease on it. Owen managed to link Art of in 2 halves and Mike was making pretty impressive progress on Kaizen considering the fairly poor to mediocre conditions!

With the weather going from cold and amazing to warmer and wetter I have kick started the indoor programme again (inspired by watching Lore's beastly feats and to payback the guru's great planning in the form of some achieving). Week 1 has almost finished and I will probably resist the call of the cave this weekend in order to stick to the programme letter by letter. Staying focused now, will hopefully lead to greater things in March and beyond.

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